Privacy Policy
Last updated 2023-05-13.
We are HIPAA compliant. This means that we have taken the required steps to secure people’s Protected Health Information (PHI). The contact forms on this website cannot be made HIPAA compliant, and thus come with a warning not to share PHI. Our email is secure and HIPAA compliant but if yours is not then your email provider may be able to access your information. Our questionnaire is HIPAA compliant.
Our questionnaire and screening process are designed to allow stool donor applicants to be as anonymous as possible, and most of the sensitive/identifying information is optional.
All sensitive data is stored securely. We provide secure methods for stool-donor applicants to share their information. We do not share any Protected Health Information with any third party without explicit written consent.
We keep stool donors as anonymous as they want to be, while still providing enough anonymized information to recipients that would allow them to verify donor quality. Information such as complete questionnaires (minus identifying info), stool type, and physical fitness.
We anonymize the fitness photos and ask donors for approval & permission before sharing. We also restrict access within our organization on a need-to-know basis.
We may also use and share anonymized donor questionnaires to publish statistical analyses.
Donors can choose to anonymously ship stool on dry ice (we provide a return address to put on the package), and/or to be referred directly to recipients, and can specify what type of recipients (doctors, clinical trials, researchers, individuals).