Follow our journey as we seek out the healthiest people on the planet in hope that their stool can be used to cure diseases by restoring the gut microbiome via FMT (Fecal Microbiota Transplants).
The FDA and FMT regulation. Part 2.
I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.
Is a million dollars enough for your poop?
Highly effective stool donors will now be paid 1 million dollars for their poop. And offering a half-a-million-dollar reward for anyone who recruits one.
High-quality stool donors are rarer than one in a million? AI, funding, and potential.
A large number of applicants, but the quality is poor. How this impacts you and how you can get involved.
The FDA and FMT regulation. Part 1.
Response to FDA warning letter, proposal for FMT regulation, and some background of this project.
Half a million stool-donor applicants...
The bulletproof glass was broken. 500k+ stool-donor applicants came flooding through.
Raising prices. Stool donors can now make $500 per donation.
Our stool donors can now make $180,000 per year if donating a daily stool.
The evidence and rationale supporting our stool donor criteria
In this blog post, I’ll address common questions about our donor criteria. Namely, why we focus so much on top young athletes.
First results from our 1 in 23,000 stool donor.
Sitting on a possible panacea and working hard to get the tiny percent who qualify to stop flushing lifesaving medicine down the toilet